A Special Dedication
To the Anointed Spiritual Leader
His Excellency
Ben Ammi Ben Israel
and all the Holy Risen Souls on this journey!

We are eternally indebted to this great man of God, who, like our father, Abraham, journeyed by faith to fulfill the words of his God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that it was time for the House of Israel to return home!
In spite of personal doubts and fears, he proclaimed the season and did the works that were instrumental in causing 400 Israelites to leave America for Liberia, West Africa, to begin the long journey home.
We are here to bear testimony of the man and the works, that, truly, both were inspired by God! There is so much that can and will be said about him and those works; here we present a video dedication to him that gives expression to a small portion of the praises he is due. This dedication took place in Dimona, Israel, January 4, 2015.
He will forever live in our hearts and history will surely testify of the greatness of his achievements!
Many who began this sacred journey are no longer with us physically, but have an eternal place in our hearts and souls. These tributes are just a small gesture to say that we love you and will always remember and treasure your sacrifices!